Have You Got Organic This Baby Is a Dream Come True
Released on = March 9, 2006, 2:02 am
Press Release Author = ChilliBytes.co.uk
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = "Creative without strategy is called 'art'. Creative with
strategy is called 'advertising'."
Jeff I. Richards"
Press Release Body = Search engine optimization or pay per click? Banners or
directories? Google or Yahoo? Pop ups, or forget it, pop out for a coffee instead.
It is all a bit much when you don't have piles of marketing cash and a business to
run. All website owners want to do is attract more customers' right? Well this is
where one company's story begins.
A little hot sauce company decided to open an online shop to help boost their sales.
They didn't want to make a million, just enough to get by and sell something they
liked to make. Then nothing happened, for a while at least.
Like many an internet business, they designed their logo, tweaked their copy,
launched their site, and waited, and waited and waited. The Internet was not moving
their hot sauce. Maybe it just took some time to get their presence known. They
waited some more (pause) checked Google and Yahoo only to find that they ranked
nowhere near the first few pages of most search results, even when they typed their
company name into the search engine. The pages which took the top spots were major
corporations (who would pay a lot of money to be there) or some rather dodgy
websites, totally unrelated to "hot sauce".
Something had to be done. Their "eureka" moment came when they stumbled upon that
infamous million dollar homepage. "What if that page was filled with people like us,
who made hot-sauce?" they asked? "Surely", they surmised, "it would become a one
stop shop for everything to do with hot sauce." A niche advertising billboard was
The idea got so much interest that they have come up with the idea for the Got
Organic website. A niche focussed entirely on the organic community. They even think
of the advertising space as "organic". "We have split a single web page into a
number of boxes; and sell the boxes to organic based companies. Adverts can be any
shape or size."
This 'organic' space allows for companies, with small budgets, to buy as many blocks
as they like to advertise their logos. They have even taken things one step further
and not just created an advertising space for the organic industry but a resource
filled with news and articles ranging on everything from organic farming to organic cooking.
What's key in real estate Location, Location, Location.
Could it be that the key to the internet is Niche, Niche, Niche?
Web Site = http://www.ChilliBytes.co.uk
Contact Details = Julian Hall
Olive Rd
London , NW2 6UU
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